Saturday, October 22, 2011

clean hippie

I believe in eating organic foods and just eating healthy in general but for some reason when it comes to beauty products I can't commit to that lifestyle. However, while in NYC one of my closest friends who shares the same beauty routines as I do shocked the life out of me when she whipped out natural deodorant.  My first thought was great I'm going to have to make sure she sprays extra perfume (not that she ever smells) I just had a hard time believing that natural deodorants work. However, I have read many articles regarding the correlation of anti-antiperspirant deodorants and a link to breast cancer so I thought to give this deodorant a fair chance. I pulled up this article for my beauty bits followers to read- it's from the National Cancer Institute and I just wasn't completely comfortable that they fully know if these drugstore deodorants have a link with breast cancer.

Check it out:

My little disclaimer is that I do not believe these deodorants cause breast cancer. I do know that if they increase the amount of the hormone Estrogen in your body that it potentially has the ability to promote the growth of breast cancer cells. So if you are genetically destined to get breast cancer it will accelerate the development of breast cancer in your body. Alright...enough nerdy science talk!

Lafes- Natural and Organic Roll On Deodorant in Powder $5.99
So the first day I used this I carried it with me in my purse. Not kidding. I could not bear the thought that it may actually not work. If it didn't work trust me this thing would've been tossed in the trash in a heartbeat! I am obsessed with feeling and smelling clean- actually, almost a little too obsessed. There's no one on this planet more shocked than I am when I realized it worked all day long. I even forgot I had switched to a natural deodorant that day. It doesn't have any of the bad crap in it since it's paraben, propylene glycol, alcohol and aluminum free. I haven't used it at the gym yet (only because I haven't worked out since I purchased it) but for now I have replaced this deodorant as my everyday deodorant. It really works and why take a potential health risk when there's a safer alternative out there for us girls?!

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month so please go purchase this at Whole Foods and give it a chance. It's a Natural Solutions Brand Winner two years in a row and donates 1% of their profits to support breast cancer prevention.

Enjoy the weekend!



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